
This is the only demo of how the notes added by admin is displayed in the frontend for the users of your site.

To know how this content is added by admin, please see the video attached below

Customizable Features

  • Owner of the site can add individual note to the user from wp-admin user edit or from order details of WooCommerce.
  • Owner of the site can add global note to that is displayed to every user of the site.
  • Owner of the site can display the notes left to the user by using wpmake_user_notes shortcode.
  • Owner of the site can display notes left to the user by enabling the User Notes tab in WooCommerce my account page.

Test Credentials :

Login with admin credentials given below and modify or add private note for test user lehesy or you can create your own test user from below link.

Login URL or Register URL:


Username: wpmaketest

Password: testwpmake

Test User

Username: lehesy

Password: testuser


If you are evaluating the WordPress User Notes plugin and you have questions you can send a message, we will be happy to help you to find the answers you are looking for. Thanks!

Thursday, 05 Jan - 02:40 pm
This is a note from global broadcast section with only Subscriber capabilities it is impossible to demo/test this plugin. Task to be done by everyone:
  • Attend the Daily Short Meeting
  • Meeting with Marketing Team
  • Report the meetings results to the boss
  • Test and Review the final product
  • Release the first version
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